Monday, May 31, 2004

Hey peeps!! Long time no see! Hehehe... Been kinda busy lately, running up and down being a driver for my brother and my mum. Sigh... Well, about me, there's good news and bad news! I shall begin with the BAD news, went to KDU with my mum the other day. This time, we spoke to the a lecturer instead of the counsellor who obviously didn't know much stuff. The lecturer told us that the intake for my course is only in the end of August. Double sigh... As mentioned previously, I was supposed to start end of June, that intake was for those joining straight from SPM. As for me, I did A levels and I have exemption of the 1st semester. Thank God! Then come the good news. MAS finally called up and YES! I passed the 1st test and I'll be going for my 2nd test on the 1st of June. If I manage to get through the 2nd test then I will go for an interview and off the the flying academy. When I was in church today, spoke to John Reggy about flying(he studies in the Malaysian Flying Acedemy in Malacca privately) and apparently he mentioned that MAS will not send their recruits there but MAS cadets are to be sent to Adelaide for training. Isn't that awesome? The best part is, the training fee is beared by MAS(that's if u get in) and trainees will also get daily allowance from MAS. Muahahaha... Praise God for that! Pray for me too okay? Pray real HARD! Hehehe.. Thank you very very much!

Anyway, I just got home from church. Had an event in church just now. It was Pastor Joshua and Pastor Carey's 20th anniversary. By the way, they are my church's senior pastor. Their whole family was dressed in bridal suits and gowns. Surely thet looked real good today. Then, their wedding vow was re-affirmed. They also showed a video about their life with pics of little Joshua and Carey when they were still babies. Cute! Hehehe... Here's a pic of Pastor Joshua and family.

Pastor Joshua, Pastor Carey and their daughters.

Then some of the youths also gathered after the event and took a pic. Too bad I was busy then and I didn't get to join them. Triple sigh...

Some of the youths of Renewal Lutheran Church

That's all for now folks! Till then, take real good care and God bless!

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