Sunday, January 06, 2008

Advertlets... APA SUDAH JADI?

Tried logging in my blog just a few mins ago.

To my horror! It re-directed me to some dunno-what-rubbish site? I was thining to myself, what is happening to blogger?

Blogger was hacked? Blogger is being taken over? All these until I noticed the top of the re-direct site.
find something interesting

Very very interesting indeed! Expired domain? Oops! Some forgot to set a reminder! Muahahaha... What a silly mistake to me that is.

Buck up advertlets! Its about time.

Anyway, removed all advertlets ads and my blog is back to normal now.

Thank God! *phew*

for more information, click HERE

Again, what an avoidable mistake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's why..follow 1 path all the way..dun be greedy coz the other 1 wont bring u anything good..hahaha

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